Look At All Your Competitors
In order to optimize your social media performance, you should not only look at your own page’s performance, but also at how your competitors do in the social web. Taking a look at best-practice examples can be extremely valuable. With quintly this competitive social media benchmarking information comes to you without any work on your part. Just add the pages or profiles you would like to track and compare, and we do the work and import all public data available.

You can then use our inbuilt metrics or define your own with QQL. Use our advanced dashboard solution to compare your own performance with those of other pages and profiles in every dimension imaginable. Market Benchmarking makes a lot of sense – whether you are doing a good job or not depends on the industry you are working in. In some sectors a certain interaction rate is perfect, in other sectors the same interaction rate wouldn’t be very flattering at all. This said, it is important to look at other similar pages (i.e. of competitors, similar brands or cooperation partners) to determine if your social media marketing KPIs are set in the right intervals.